"Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. They get a beautiful heart." ~ Shinichi Suzuki

Welcome Back ENO!
I am super excited to see everyone back at school. I hope everyone has had an amazing Summer. Get ready for a fantastic year in Orchestra.
While you are here on the website please click the button marked "ENO Basic Data Sheet" and fill out this form. It is required of every student in the orchestra program.
Next, have a look at the 2019-2020 Orchestra Calendar. Please begin adding all the dates to your personal calendar!
This year, due to the changes in the functionality of "Remind" every student needs to join the remind I created that relates to the orchestra in which you have been placed. Here are the new remind codes you need to join your respective classes:
Symphony: Text @enosym to #81010
Philharmonic: Text @enophil to #81010
Chamber: Text @enochamber to #81010
String: Text @enostring to #81010
Parents, you are also encouraged to join the remind as well. I have created the following two groups just for parents to join.
Parents whose last name start with A-M Text @enop-am to #81010
Parents whose last name starts with N-Z Text @enop-nz to #81010
Lastly, turn this device off and start practicing! I've missed you all and hope to see many of you at SPUD!!
Check out our new 2019-2020 ENO T-Shirt! We'll be selling them through August 23rd. Be the first to get yours at the Orchestra SPUD Table!

215 West Danforth Road
Edmond, OK 73003
Main Tel: 405-340-2875
Orch Tel: 405-726-7216
Fax: 405-330-7349
EDMOND NORTH HIGH SCHOOL was founded in 1992 and saw its first senior class walk across the stage in 1994. Now with over 2500 students, ENHS boasts a thriving arts program with one-fourth of the student population involved in the performing arts.
© 2019 by ENO Media.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the Edmond North High School Orchestra web page is educationally sound and
does not contain links to materials that violate the District's Network and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.
Please contact us with any concerns.